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Metroid Dread release date revealed and it's a sequel to Metroid Fusion

The Metroid Dread release date has been revealed - also, that's the official name for Metroid 5, the first sequel to the main Metroid franchise in almost two decades.

The Metroid Dread release date is set for October 8, 2021, when it will be available exclusively on Nintendo Switch. The reveal trailer for Metroid shows Samus Aran wearing a brand new, white-and-red suit as she explores a seemingly unfamiliar location - while everything is now rendered in 3D, it's all set from the classic side scrolling perspective, much like Metroid: Samus Returns.

The trailer shows a number of new enemies, but the most troubling monster is a robotic foe that seems completely impervious to Samus' attacks; her only choice is to run, or hide with the help of a new camouflage power. Metroid: Fusion fans are probably getting some flashbacks to the quiet horror of SA-X right now.


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