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DC Infinite Frontier #1 is the start of "a character-focused event for the future of the DCU"

June 22's Infinite Frontier #1 will mark the start of the harvest for the fruit of the new DC comic book continuity's status quo as an even bigger Omniverse - as opposed to the previous concept of a Multiverse. 

Though the concept of the Omniverse has inspired a lot of speculation, imagination, and thousands of words online, it hasn't actually born any fruit - yet.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 and Infinite Frontier #0 reframed the DC Multiverse as the DC Omniverse where everything to ever happen in a DC story is considered part of official continuity in some shape or form. Now, Infinite Frontier #1 brings it into full form.

(Image credit: DC)

"When our heroes saved the Multiverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged...and we do mean everything," reads DC's description of Infinite Frontier #1. "All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in. Most of them, at least."

In writer Joshua Williamson and artist Xermanico's six-issue Infinite Frontier series, they will follow Alan Scott, Roy Harper, Barry Allen, President Superman, Cameron Chase, Director Bones, Obsidian, and Jade to explore this new Multiversal era of DC and what it means their friends, families, enemies, and more.

"The mini-series is more of a character-focused event that tells an important story for the future of the DCU. Following Death Metal, big moves are being made in secret by Darkseid…" Williamson tweeted recently. "This Infinite Frontier cast are in separate stories that collide with each other as the series continues. One of my goals with this mini-series is to tell a Multiversal mystery from a grounded point of view. To see a post-big event DCU from angles we don’t normally see."

A new character named X-Tract will debut in Infinite Frontier #1 - a multiversal bounty hunter who is rounding up people who don't belong on Earth-0 - that's the main DC universe which is featured in the core DC comic books.

Here's a preview of Infinite Frontier #1:

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Infinite Frontier #1

(Image credit: DC)

Infinite Frontier #1 preview

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

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Infinite Frontier #1

(Image credit: DC)

"We wanted to create a story that felt like the classic Countdown to Infinite Crisis or the weekly 52 series. Two crucial DCU events with different mysteries and casts that led to big stories for the DCU. Infinite Frontier will do the same," Williamson continued on Twitter. "Infinite Frontier #1 - #6 is ACT ONE of a massive story we're telling in the DCU. It all leads to something I’m working on that will be the biggest thing I’ve ever done for DC." 

Infinity Frontier #1 (of 6) goes on sale on June 22.

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