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Path of Exile 2 will go in an "Elden Ring sort of direction" rather than the "MMO path" of Diablo 4

Path of Exile 2 will follow an "Elden Ring sort of direction" rather than Diablo 4's "MMO path", according to the game's director. 

In an interview with IGN, Jonathan Rogers talks about the upcoming game's Leagues and how they'll differ to Diablo 4's seasons. "[Blizzard] certainly has a lot more around like cool down rotations and things like that, but also just the more open world design and that kind of thing," Rogers explains, "whereas we're going more in the kind of like Elden Ring sort of direction. It's much more action-focused, but with a sort of hardcore bent."

In case you missed it, and we'd be surprised if you had, Blizzard hasn't had the easiest time with Diablo 4 Season 1 since its launch last month - so much so, the developer had to be candid with fans telling them: "We know it is bad, we know it is not fun" and that "we don't plan on doing a patch like this ever again."

On the topic of Diablo 4's struggles, Rogers said: "The learning process for running a live game with Seasons like this is a hard one," the developer continues, "We've learned our lessons about how to do this stuff. Honestly, when I look at that, all I can think is, 'Man, it's tough. It's a real tough situation to be in.'" Rogers then goes on to say: "I feel very bad for the developers, because I'm sure that they mean well, but yeah, it's a hard lesson to learn."

In other news, we recently found out the Path of Exile 2 closed beta date. Unfortunately, for Blizzard, it seems developer Grinding Gear may have intentionally tried to kick Diablo 4 while it's down as the timing of its announcement is a little suspicious - especially since we've got to wait until June 2024 for the beta to actually take place.

Looking for an alternative to Blizzard's MMO? Take a look at our games like Diablo list.  

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