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Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater voice actor teases remake

Another day, another Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater remake rumor – only this one originates from one of the game's most notable voice actors.

Donna Burke – who's appeared in several Konami games, as both a voice actor and vocalist and singer – took to Twitter today to share an image of her at work. Labelled "Recording in progress!" the text itself didn't give too much away; however, in the accompanying photograph, she's holding a plastic folder with "Snake Eater" on the front.

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So far, so what? You're not the only one who thought some fans were clutching at straws. However, earlier today Burke added some more photos, too, one of which clearly shows the lyrics for Snake Eater's main theme on the production desk.

An accidental revelation? Possibly. But as Burke's tweets haven't been taken down, it seems more likely that this is, in fact, a very deliberate tease to add fuel to the speculative fire – rumors of Metal Gear Solid remakes have been circulating for years now – and get Metal Gear fans excited… which it has, of course (thanks, PlayStation Lifestyle). 

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Rumors that Metal Gear Solid publisher Konami was reportedly working on "new installments and remakes for its biggest franchises" first surfaced in 2021, and even then, rumor had it the remasters were being developed in partnership with porting specialist Virtous.

Downloadable versions of MGS2 and 3 were delisted that same year, apparently due to licensing issues around historical footage included in those games. In July 2022, Konami announced that those games would soon "resume sales".

At this point, the new remasters may be the venue for these games to return on modern platforms. However, these remasters are entirely separate from the rumored Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.

Snake's voice actor lent weight to rumors of a Metal Gear Solid remake last year, too.

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