Blizzard knows you don't like Diablo 4's skeletons

The skeletons in the Diablo 4 beta are irritating players in several ways, but don't worry - Blizzard is already working on improving them.

A scroll through the Diablo subreddit has revealed the players really aren't happy with the current state of the Necromancer summons in the game. According to several posts, the main issues here seem to be related to the general look of the skeletons, with many saying that they look like the Diablo 3 skeletons and that they're "too cartoony." One player even said they were "distracting" when trying to enjoy the Diablo 4 beta. 

Similarly, another player has said that the Necromancer's skeletons "should look more dirty" and that their blue coloring looks too bright and "clean". As the same player explains: "I just raised a corpse for God's sake, they need to look rough, dirty or even bloody." Thankfully, it seems Blizzard feels the same way as, in a post highlighting Diablo 4's known issues, the developer writes: "Necromancer summons luminance levels are not fully finalized. They will be adjusted for launch."

Aesthetics aside, there also seem to be problems with how the skeletons move in the Diablo 4 beta too. As this post in the same subreddit demonstrates, the skeletons are extremely laggy and can be seen skipping frame by frame next to the player. Another player has also shared that during their time with the beta, they experienced the skeletons causing bosses to glitch out. 

Skeletons lagging when playing from r/Diablo

The Diablo 4 open beta took place from March 24 - 27, 2023 and unfortunately ran into a few problems like long queues and connection issues. As Blizzard told GamesRadar+ though, Diablo 4's rocky beta "means a smoother launch" - meaning the game, as well as its skeletons, can hopefully only get better from here on out.

Just in case you were wondering, can you still play the Diablo 4 beta?

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