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Bungie takes Destiny 2 offline on a big patch day after concerning player reports

On what should be an exciting patch day, Bungie has taken Destiny 2 offline to investigate reports of players losing progress on milestones like Triumphs and Seals, and even Exotic Catalysts. 

Reports of this issue started cropping up almost immediately after today's update went live, and the Bungie Help Twitter was quick to acknowledge that "several Triumphs have had their progress reset unintentionally, which can potentially remove earned Seals from players." Seals can be quite difficult to earn, so players were understandably alarmed to log in and find they'd been inexplicably removed. 

In its most recent update, the account confirmed that the game's been brought offline "as we investigate an ongoing issue causing certain Triumphs, Seals, and Catalysts to lose progress for players." It's currently unclear how long this downtime will last. 

Ironically, this problem comes on the heels of Bungie confirming that, apart from a single isolated incident, recent claims of deleted Destiny 2 characters were inaccurate. It's also followed an amazing week for Destiny 2 news which was buoyed by the changes in today's patch, most notably the effective removal of inventory-clogging blue engrams, not to mention PvE buffs for my favorite child, the scout rifle Dead Man's Tale. 

Unfortunately, it would seem some of today's big changes got some wires crossed somewhere. Assuming it is was the direct cause, I'm not sure what part of today's patch could've caused these issues, though the patch notes do notably mention some Exotic Catalysts, Triumphs, and UI fixes for one Seal. I like to think this was a final "screw you" from blue engrams on their way out.

I've reached out to Bungie for more details on today's downtime as well as corrections for the lost progress that some players have reported. I'll update our reporting if I hear back. 

In the meantime, we can all take comfort in the fact that while Destiny 2 is nerfing Resilience, it's still the best stat in the game

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