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Splatoon 3 players are getting weird and wonderful with their customizable lockers

Splatoon 3 players are already having a lot of fun with the customizable lockers.

If you weren't already aware, Splatoon 3 lets players take collectibles earned throughout the game - particularly in the campaign - and use them to kit out your own locker. As the evidence just below shows, some players have been pretty creative with their personal spaces.

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You might notice a running theme here. Moai, the iconic head statues located in Polynesia, is unfortunately largely the butt of the joke throughout these customized lockers in Splatoon 3. Here, for example, we can see Moai kicking back after a particularly taxing day.

That's not all the Splatoon 3 player base has in store for poor old Moai. The third example just below has Moai forced into a staring competition, doomed to stay there forever. Or until the player in question gets bored and wants a redesign of their locker, we guess.

You can collect all sorts of items to kit out your locker with in Splatoon 3. If you are interested in finding items sooner than later though, we'd definitely recommend hitting up the campaign section of Nintendo's new shooter, where you can use your Lil Buddy to hunt out collectible items for you.

Simply chuck your Smallfry onto any part of the campaign's overworld, and if there's a hidden collectible nearby, they'll start doing a weird little dance. Use your Heroshot to shoot the ground immediately in front of Smallfry, and you'll dig up the collectible buried there. Happy hunting!

Read our full Splatoon 3 review to see what we made of the offerings from the latest in Nintendo's saga.

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