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The death of Doctor Strange opens the door for a new Elsa Bloodstone comic

The death of Doctor Strange has left a power vacuum inside the Marvel Universe, as the various spells he enacted to protect the Earth from magical threats fell when he did in Death of Doctor Strange #1. Since then, heroes like the Avengers and Spider-Man have attempted to step up and bridge the gap, but in January 2022 we're getting a surprise: Elsa Bloodstone.

Tini Howard

Tini Howard (Image credit: Tini Howard)

In January 12's Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone one-shot by writer Tini Howard and artist Ig Guara, Elsa is stepping up to fend off magical invaders - but to do it, she'll need to find a way to work with her villainous brother Cullen, who described himself in Avengers Undercover #2 as "a cold-blooded weapons expert who hates people and periodically transforms into a ten-ton indestructible man-eating soul beast."

"Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone is a must-read for Bloodstone fans, and a great introduction to the family for curious readers," Howard tells Newsarama. "There's even a mysterious new family member you'll get to meet right along with Elsa and Cullen, as the death of Doctor Strange breaks pacts all over the cosmos..."

(Image credit: David Nakayama (Marvel Comics))

Newsarama has confirmed that the "mysterious new family member" is a previously unknown sister, who will make her debut in Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone. 

The Bloodstone family business has been monster-hunting going back to the prehistoric era, but until now Elsa and Cullen were the only two Bloodstone left alive. So the question becomes, who is she - and more importantly where has she been that even Elsa and Cullen didn't know of her existence?

Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1 goes on sale on January 12.

Elsa Bloodstone joins a pool of potential successors as Earth's next Sorcerer Supreme. 

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