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Halo Infinite Big Team Battle test weekend is over, but these 5 great moments live on

The second Halo Infinite multiplayer technical preview is done, but Spartans around the world won't soon forget the gleeful chaos of Big Team Battle's return - especially with these clips to remember it by.

Big Team Battle only made its big debut in the second weekend of the second Halo Infinite test, and players had a limited selection of two daily windows to try out the 12v12 mode. Thankfully, they made the most of it. Players took up the mantle of explosive combat in Capture The Flag, Total Control, and Slayer modes across the six total sessions. Here are just some of the many highlights players have been sharing of their Big Team Battle memories.

First up, here's CnlCuddles killing almost everybody, swapping guns when they run out of ammo, and then killing everybody else.

ive_peaked_im_never_playing_halo_again from r/halo

Staying on the theme of surprisingly effective assassinations, here's Shadow_Drgn going long with a fusion core "pass." Too bad the receiver already had their hands full with that flag.

well_thats_one_way_to_kill_the_flag_carrier from r/halo

Meanwhile, MonkeysxMoo35 shows off a brief game of Halo Grand Theft Auto, rapidly transitioning into Thelma & Louise if Louise changed her mind and also had a grappling hook. 

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Then, let us celebrate the simple fact that TheAndyCortez (and the rest of us) now know that hijacking a Banshee from the ground with a grappleshot is even possible

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Lastly, just so we all stay humble until Halo Infinite arrives for real in December, ske7ch shows us how things go when you try to hijack a banshee with your face instead.

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It's not clear if or when 343 Industries will host another Halo Infinite technical preview, but we'll keep basking in these memories until the next time we can deploy en masse onto Fragmentation.

See what else we're looking forward to with our guide to upcoming Xbox Series X games.

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