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Call of Duty: Warzone player kills three in the Gulag using a stone and dual magnums

A Call of Duty: Warzone player has somehow managed to get three kills in the Gulag and they achieved it with dual magnums and a few stones.

Someone who had been banished to the Gulag in Call of Duty Warzone managed to accumulate 3 kills in total, impressing the community. And after seeing the video, posted to Reddit, it's clear to see why it was so impressive. 

For those that don't know, when a player dies in Warzone they're given one more chance in the Gulag, a location where they fight against another player to stay alive. Succeed, they return to the main game, fail and they're dead for that match.

The video above shows the Reddit poster bishybosh standing in the spectator area waiting for their turn to battle it out with another player. When in the spectator area, players can throw stones at the current duo battling it out below, but instead of throwing a stone at the players, bishybosh throws a stone at a C4 on the floor. The timing is just right and ends up killing both of the players below, their deaths being added to the player's kill counter.

Then, bishybosh spawns with dual-magnums down in the Gulag's proving ground, ready to face off against another player. But it's a quick battle as they run in, jump around a bit, and then land a wonderfully placed bullet into the opposing player, thus winning the Gulag match and securing their return to the rest of the team battling it out in the main Warzone map.

With Warzone Season 4 recently launching, players are jumping are discovering crashed satellites across Verdnask 84, engaging in new game modes, and riding motorbikes. The game is continually being supported and has a detailed roadmap of what players can expect. Although, those finding weapons to be a bit unfair may be pleased to know that Raven Software is planning to increase the time-to-kill in a future patch.

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