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Zack Snyder has hidden aliens in Army of the Dead – here’s where to find them

Army of the Dead has zombies, and plenty of them. But did you spot the aliens? No, we’re not joking. Zack Snyder, the madman, has done it again: there are a pair of UFOs tucked away in the new Netflix movie’s chaotic opening crescendo in Nevada.

Mild spoilers for Army of the Dead follow! If you want to go in blind, turn away now.

The military are seen hauling something in Army of the Dead’s very first scene that we later find out to be a member of the living dead. That unique piece of cargo may be the origins of the zombie outbreak, but it’s well worth pointing out that the convoy carrying it is departing from Area 51, the infamous location that has long been links with urban legends and myths about extraterrestrials.

Head to the first 45 seconds of the movie and you’ll notice the convoy departing from the facility and, curiously, two floating lights to the right of the picture. Here’s a screenshot in case you missed them.

Army of the Dead aliens

(Image credit: Netflix)

Keep your eyes on that corner. As the trucks drive out by the ‘No Trespassing’ sign, the UFOs immediately blast off. Their destination? Unknown.

It’s probably little more than a cute nod to Area 51, but we almost want any potential Army of the Dead 2 to make good on the setup here and introduce an aliens vs. zombies war.

There’s sure to be even more worth tracking and hidden within the frames of Army of the Dead. There’s a very literal ‘Snyder Cut’ cameo in one scene, for instance, while Zack Snyder himself has confirmed he has the briefest of walk-on parts in another.

For more from Army of the Dead – once you’ve finished the movie – check out our complete Army of the Dead ending explainer, plus a look at why Army of the Dead is blurry in places. No, it’s not because of aliens. We hope.

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