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Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players complain of bugs, crashes, and frame-rate issues

Complaints about the latest expansion for Elite: Dangerous, Odyssey, has seen the game's aggregate review score on Steam plummet to "mostly negative". 

Of the 3000+ reviews currently on the storefront, two-thirds are marked as negative, with new reviews being added all the time despite the stability patch developer Frontier pushed out on Friday.

The new expansion released on May 19, but since then players have been leaving complaints about crashes, bugs, and frame rate, plus performance and stability problems on the game's Steam page (thanks, NME).

"This is a genuinely pathetic display of FDev's 'competence' at putting forth something worth paying for," states one of the latest, and angriest, Steam reviews. "I'm sick of the 'it can be patched later' mentality by Steam's keyboard warriors. I paid money, it's advertised as 'finished', and it should work. Plain and simple. Don't buy this garbage."

"Don't write it off yet," said another less aggrieved player. "I would recommend to wait a bit, till patches have fixed the most severe bugs and improved optimization. At least a month or two, though better would be to buy the game when it releases on console in fall at which time most [of] the problems should be sorted out."

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey was initially delayed, and though the PC launch was only pushed back slightly, the expansion for consoles will see a "larger development shift" and currently has an autumn/fall (that's Q3 if you're in the southern hemisphere) 2021 release date window

"2020 was a difficult year for many, but in spite of those challenges, we are pleased with our progress towards what is a truly ambitious new era for the game. We’ve been delighted with the excitement and positive response to our development diaries, interviews, streams, and trailers and want to thank all of you for your continued support," Frontier said at the time. 

The latest expansion opens up the world of Elite Dangerous like never before by adding on-foot planetary exploration and first-person combat

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