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Suicide Squad rebellion trailer shows Nathan Fillion with Mr. Potato Man arms

Just when we thought things couldn’t get weirder for Task Force X, a new trailer dropped for James Gun’s The Suicide Squad. Although there isn’t a ton of new footage, what was offered is still more than enough to get hype about. 

Check out the trailer below:

In this new trailer aptly titled Rebellion, there are the same shots of King Shark being cute and dangerous, Amanda Waller still waiting on someone to try her so she can press a button to make their heads explode, and all the same high-intensity action surrounding Harley, Bloodsport, Peacemaker, and the rest of the squad. This is all completely fine because there is nothing wrong with enjoying all of that again, but the new footage kicks it up a notch in weird, and that’s why we’re here. 

There is finally some footage of Nathan Fillion’s character TDK get in on the action by showing off those extreme Mr. Potato Man arms detach and just float near his body. This new scene gives ample support surrounding the speculation that Fillion’s character is a revamped version of  DC Comics character Arm-Fall-Off-Boy just minus the "plorp" noise effect.


(Image credit: DC Comics)

Then there is also some additional footage of Bloodsport’s high-tech weaponry to get excited about because now there are cooler ways to lean into the R-rating. We also get to see Polka-Dot Man hit some people with polka dots – which is absolutely absurd to see in live-action, but it works. 

The Suicide Squad doesn’t hit theaters and HBO Max until August 6, but with the trailers that have been released so far, there is plenty to feast on until then. 

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