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The biggest PS5 restock in months is coming today - get ready at this time

This is a big one folks, a fresh PS5 restock is expected to go online today at Amazon between 9am and 11am EDT. The usual twitter-sphere of PS5 stock trackers and alleged 'insiders' all seem to be claiming that Amazon US will be getting 46,000 PS5 units to sell today. We're not sure what the split is between the standard or Digital Edition, but these are the links to camp on.

Amazon hasn't had a big stock drop for a while, so it's certainly due one - and the intel for this PS5 restock is sounding pretty solid. We'll update this article once we actually spot them online, but we do expect them to sell out in a few minutes (yes, even if Amazon does get 46,000 of them). With that in mind, we'd keep an eye on those listings via the links above from 9am EDT and keep refreshing them as much as you can. 

We'll also blast out a quick tweet straight out to Amazon from our official GamesRadar Twitter channel if we see them too.

Until then, we've listed a bunch of other retailers below that you should keep a regular eye on for PS5 restocks. There's also our guide with information on retailer track history on our PS5 stock page, so you're all set for any potential drops. Further down this page, you'll also see our tips on improving your chances at Amazon today.

More PS5 restock retailers

Tips to buy a PS5 at Amazon today

Get signed in: Seriously, do this now. Unlike most items you'd shop for online, getting a PS5 in your basket does not mean you've secured one unless you checkout in a reasonable time. It's brutally unfair, but 100% a thing. Get yourself signed in and make sure your billing and delivery details are already filled in. The fewer screens, loading times, and data entry you can have, the better your chance of the transaction going through.

Refresh often: The product listing pages on Amazon won't suddenly get a buy/add to basket button while you look at it. So keep refreshing the screen and get ready to hit the button once it pops.

Don't get distracted by games or bolt-ons: We've rarely seen Amazon bother with PS5 bundles, and although you might see suggested items during checkout or on the listing page to add to your purchase, they won't actually be at a discount. Bearing in mind the first point we made above, just stay focussed and get the purchase confirmed. You can shop around for games and accessories at your leisure afterward. And make sure you consider the best items via our guides to the best PS5 games and best PS5 accessories (with PS5 headsets being one of our top recommendations of extra to support you new PS5).

Try on multiple devices: Nothing too crazy here, but loading up the Amazon links mentioned earlier on your laptop and mobile at the same time can't hurt. We've not really seen any advantage on Amazon with having multiple different browsers open. Pick the one you know works well on your device and have a tab open for both the PS5 and PS5 Digital Edition if you're looking to buy any of them, or just the one you really want.

Cut down your other tabs: Not always doable if you're working at the same time, but seeing as some sites really chug at a browser's resources, it might be an idea to close as many as you can just-in-case it gives you a little boost on loading times between various checkout screens. 

Here are those US Amazon links once again. Good luck!

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