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Infinite Frontier expands as a classic DC villain powers up and a classic superhero leaves Earth

March 2's Infinite Frontier #0 lays the editorial groundwork for 2021 stories for a handful of DC ongoing series like Batman, Action Comics and Superman, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and more, but its final page also promises the Infinite Frontier concept will continue in its own title as well.

DC hasn't announced anything more than Infinite Frontier #1 is coming in summer 2021, but other elements of the 64-page Infinite Frontier #0 special leave a few predictions on likely solid ground. 

Joshua Williamson, along with James Tynion IV and Scott Synder, wrote the special's framing sequence explaining the new Omniverse that is the "Infinite Frontier." Williamson also wrote two stories that are not tied specifically to an existing or announced ongoing series, as well as the special's epilogue that seems to set up a big upcoming DC event. If Vegas were taking odds on who is writing an Infinite Crisis title, Williamson would likely be even money. 

It also seems like a safe bet the series will prominently feature at least one, if not two DC super-teams. 

Spoilers for Infinite Frontier #0

The first would be the Totality - the new team introduced in January's Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 featuring a Hall of Justice/Hall of Doom mash-up of superheroes and supervillains - Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, Martian Manhunter, Talia ah Ghul, Vandal Savage, and Lex Luthor, along with the original Green Lantern Alan Scott as its 'Sentinel.' 

Its job is to shield Earth-Prime from future threats, "manned by its greatest minds." 

The second would be Justice Incarnate - a sort of all-star Justice League made up of characters from different Earths around the Multiverse. Members have included heroes like Captain Carrot, Mary Marvel from Earth 5, and Superman from Earth 23, otherwise known as President Superman. 

Headquartered in the House of Heroes in the Bleed, its job is to map and explore the new Omniverse.

As per infinite Frontier #0, Barry Allen accepts President Superman's invitation to be Earth-Prime's representative on the team, leaving Earth and the role of Central City's Flash to a redeemed Wally West, who appears will take over as the star of the regular Flash ongoing series.  

Both the Totality and Justice Incarnate might be needed in the future, as a three-page Infinite Frontier #0 epilogue features not only the return of classic DC villain Darkseid but a seemingly much more deadly Darkseid. 

image from Infinite Frontier #0 (Image credit: DC)

As correctly surmised by Newsarama after Dark Nights: Death Metal #7, Darkseid is revealed to be on Earth Omega, one of two new worlds at the center of the Omniverse. Something of a prison planet, it's a world where universal threats are contained by the Quintessence, a group of higher DC beings including the Greek god Hera, Phantom Stranger, the Wizard, Highfather, Ganthet, and the Spectre that oversee the Omniverse. 

Darkseid seemingly murders them all in the middle of the group confidently explaining to themselves how they're in complete control of Earth Omega. Darkseid then delivers a two-page meta-textual soliloquy declaring that he's been made into lesser forms of himself since the first Crisis, but the birth of the new Omniverse has resulted in all of his past aspects merging into one, his true form, and his power now exceeds what it was before Crisis. 

While acknowledging the new Multiverse is infinite, Darkseid declares to himself that he is finite and that he is final, setting up what is sure to be DC's next mega-event. 

Expect more details from DC soon about the Infinite Frontier series that will likely continue Darkseid's and Barry Allen's stories.

The Totality and Justice Incarnate are not on Newsarama's ranking of the best superhero teams of all time, but maybe someday...

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