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DC to launch Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow series in June

As part of this week's Infinite Frontier #0, DC has announced a new Supergirl title planned to launch in June 2021.

Though Infinite Frontier #0 doesn't include any hints at what's ahead for Supergirl's story and status quo, her new series, titled Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, is included in a list of upcoming DC titles at the end of the one-shot.

Though the plot and creators of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow have yet to be announced, along with whether it is an ongoing or limited series, its title is somewhat interesting in itself.

There's the obvious juxtaposition of 'Supergirl' with the subtitle 'Woman of Tomorrow,' which can almost be read literally as the growth of a girl into a woman. But it also harkens back to Supergirl's DC: Future State title, which was called Kara Zor-El: Superwoman.

The subtitle of the new series seems to imply that the Prime Earth Kara will be put on a trajectory toward her Future State counterpart's status quo, in which she is an intergalactic hero who lives on the moon and protects alien refugees, having been one herself in her youth.

Zara Zor-El: Superwoman was written by Marguerite Bennett with art from Marguerite Sauvage. While DC hasn't announced the creative team of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, some of the publisher's other new and revamped titles have maintained some of their creators from their Future State stories, including Phillip Kennedy Johnson on Superman, and Joëlle Jones on Wonder Girl.

This could indicate that Bennett or Sauvage or both might stay on board as Kara returns to her own solo title for the first time since her last run concluded in 2019.

DC icon Supergirl is one of the best female superheroes of all time.

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