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Zack Snyder's Justice League is finished, director confirms

Zack Snyder's Justice League is finished, the director has confirmed.

The film is due to arrive this March, but has been a long time coming – a fan campaign to release Snyder's cut was launched in the aftermath of the theatrical Justice League, when it became apparent the Joss Whedon-overseen reshoots had substantially changed the film. The Snyder Cut was announced back in May 2020, and was set to be a HBO Max miniseries, but is now arriving to the streamer as one super-long movie.

On Vero, Snyder simply answered, "it is" when asked if the Snyder Cut is finished.

Work on Snyder's version of the movie seems to have mainly revolved around VFX, and some additional photography that brought Jared Leto's Joker and Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke back into the fold – however, that additional photography only amounts to four minutes of extra footage. Snyder has revealed that around 150 minutes of his cut have never been seen before.

On Instagram, Tamara Watts Kent, a visual effects producer on the movie, celebrated the cut's completion with a lengthy caption talking about her experience working on the film (H/T Screen Rant). You can read the full post below.

Explaining that she first saw the unfinished cut in 2019, Kent wrote: "Nothing like this has ever been done before. We figured it would never happen. Then COVID hit. Zack had a film that was already shot. Post can be done safely at home and the VFX companies needed the work. On April 30th we were surprised and thrilled to hear the film was a go."

She then reflected on the difficulties the project posed: "It has been the most challenging project I have ever been on. We had 6 months to do 4 hours of effects work. Every shot had to be researched to see if it was a previous Zack final to finish the full-frame, or a work in progress shot from the past that could be unarchived and finished, or a brand new shot. The facilities spent over a month pulling shots & assets from their archives while WB pulled assets from theirs."

After further discussing working on the movie, she ended with: "I am sad to see this project end, but am so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it. I did this for Zack, the Snyder family and DJ, and for the fans that fought for it and deserve to see Zack's vision."

So far, it looks like we won't be seeing any further Snyder installments in the DCEU, but considering hardly anyone expected Zack Snyder's Justice League to see the light of day, never say never…

Zack Snyder's Justice League arrives March 18, 2021. In the meantime, check out how to watch DC movies in order for the ultimate movie marathon.

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