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Ubisoft employees ask fans to sign petition to improve company standards

A group of Ubisoft developers are asking fans to sign a petition to help improve working conditions across the company.

Back in July, a collection of 1,000 current and former Ubisoft employees signed an open letter to the company's management. The key demands expressed in that letter, as outlined again in a recent tweet, are linked to ongoing allegations of misconduct throughout the company. 

They point to a desire for "cross-industry collaboration" to help studios throughout the industry deal with similar issues in future, and ask for Ubisoft employees - particularly union representatives and those not in management positions - to be given "a collective seat at the table" in discussions over the future of the company.

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The group claims that in the 100 days since its original message on July 28, "none of our demands have been met." Addressing CEO and co-founder Yves Guillemot and mimicking the antagonistic email sent to lapsed Far Cry 6 players shortly after that game's launch, the group has launched a petition for supporters to sign. The petition expresses support for the movement, and asks signatories to outline their own reasons for aligning with the group.

The original open letter was written in solidarity with Activision Blizzard employees who went on strike as a result of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit. The group's calls for change across the industry reference the California-based developer several times, and while Ubisoft's own issues have not proved as high-profile of those at Activision Blizzard, internal discontent does appear to have resulted in the departure of some senior members of staff in recent months.

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